On Stakbank you can access the Farms section.

● The pool screen contains:

○ STAK - ETH LP token pool:

■ STAK earned showed in STAK and USD fiat currency

■ Stake LP Tokens: press this button to stake your LP tokens

■ Unstake LP Tokens: press this button to unstake your LP tokens

■ Harvest: press this button to receive your STAK as reward

○ Your position:

■ Get STAK-ETH LP Tokens: press this button to land on UNISWAP and generate LP tokens

■ Your LP Staked: your current staking LP

■ APY: Annual Percentage Yield (%) which indicates the percentage of interest you earn on your staked STAK

■ Total Staked showed in USD fiat currency

Acceptance Criteria:

To harvest, compound, stake, and unstake LP tokens, you need to:

  • Connect your wallet

  • Approve LP tokens: approve Stakbank to withdraw LP tokens from your wallet and automate transactions

  • Approval flow done

LP Staking

On Stakbank you can stake LP tokens to the staking pool.

In general, you stake LPs to the staking pool to generate a passive income. At the end of a day (which is supposed to be at 21:00 PST), you will receive a reward in STAK which is calculated according to the APY.

Stakbank does not support generating LP tokens. Instead, you must use UNISWAP for generating STAK-ETH LP tokens.

● When you press the ‘Stake LP Tokens’ button, you’ll see a popup which includes:

Balance: your current LP tokens. If the inputted LP tokens is greater than the balance, Stakbank will not allow you to stake

Input field: allows you to input the LP tokens

Get STAK-ETH LP Tokens: press this button to land on UNISWAP and generate the LP tokens

Max: press this button to stake all your LPs

○ ‘Stake LP tokens’ button

LP Unstaking

On Stakbank you can unstake LP tokens from the staking pool.

When pressing the ‘Unstake LP tokens’ button, you’ll see a popup which includes:


○ Your current LP tokens balance.

Input field: allows you to input the amount of LP tokens you want to unstake. If the inputted LP tokens is greater than the current staking LP, Stakbank will not allow you to unstake.

Your staked: your current staking LP tokens

Max: press this button to unstake all your LP tokens.

● ‘Unstake LP tokens’ button

LP Harvesting

On Stakbank you can harvest in STAK from the staking pool.

At the end of a day (which is supposed to be at 21:00 PST), you will receive a reward in JSTAK which is calculated according to the APY.

Note that when you harvest, you receive a reward in STAK.

When pressing the ‘Harvest’ button, you will see a popup which includes:


○ Your current reward LP tokens

Current reward (in both STAK, JSTAK and USD fiat currency)

● ‘Harvest’ button


On Stakbank you can view the current APY.

APY screen includes:

Timeframe: in days

APY (%)

STAK per 1,000 USD

Get STAK-ETH LP Tokens button: press it to land on UNISWAP and generate the LP tokens

Flow Chart


1. Get the Pair LP Token from Uniswap

2. Stake or provide STAK/LP to stakbank system to start Staking/Farming

3. Compound the reward into the main amount

4. Staker/LP Locker have the following options:

a. Claim reward

b. Compound STAK to their staking amount

c. Unstake

d. Stake

Below is the flow that describes how users can create Liquidity on Uniswap:

1. You should have ETH and STAK tokens in your metamask wallet. Then, you can enter the Uniswap ( platform and select the “Create a Pair” option. E.g.: ETH and STAK tokens.

2. After the flow is done, Uniswap will return the LP token pair back to your Metamask wallet. Then you can go to the Stakbank system and start farming.


Calculate ROI of a pool


FORMULA: ROI (1y) = ( allocPoint / totalAllocPoint ) * 100 * STAK_PER_YEAR * STAK_PRICE / (slpBalance * reserveUSD / totalSupply) * 100

=> ROI (1m) = ROI(1y) / 12

=> ROI (1d) = ROI(1y) / 365

allocPoint is the weight number of each pool which is configurable

How to calculate STAK per day in the Yield




STAK_PER_DAY_YIELD_$1000 = STAK_PER_DAY / STAK_IN_DOLLAR * 1000 * ROI (1y) / 365 * 100

Annual Percentage Yield

APY = ROI(y)

Last updated