Crops is a StakBank feature which is strongly connected to Lemonade.

Its main function is to distribute Lemonade campaign tokens (the 1% fee over tokens on each raise) to Stakbank users, giving it back to the community.

In the future restructuring of Lemonade Smart Contracts (v3), each Campaign will already be deployed with associated Crop smart contracts, automatically doing all reading from StakBank, calculations and distribution. This will remove the need for a CropFactory.


There are some very relevant points to observe when designing the Crops system.

Mapping Issue

Stakbank’s smart contract keeps track of users currently involved through a mapping object, consequently making it very hard to export existing users.

If this was done off-chain, a simple event crawling script could do it, but since it’s on-chain we would either need oracle connections (way too much complexity for the current scope) or create a supporting data object inside StakBank to track users (like a list), which would bring more complexity to the whole system (increasing gas costs, and creating the necessity to handle and adapt many functions).

Pulverisation Issue

We expect thousands of users in StakBank, and depending on the token raise amount, the distribution could be really innocuous to the community.

Imagine a raise of $250,000 worth of tokens, equating to $2.500 worth of tokens distribution. If we have 5,000 users in Stakbank, each user will only receive $0,50 worth of tokens, greatly reducing the value perception of everyone.

If we had more control over the distribution, we could set a cap on the number of addresses that receive the distribution and implement more exciting features in the future.

Last updated