Requirements and duties
Last updated
Last updated
Quality standardization for projects (no audit = no token sale)
Rug-pull protection to provide peace of mind to investors
Decentralized vetting by the community through our governance model
Automated post-raise activities (vesting, distribution, liquidity locking, etc)
Least expensive and fastest token launchpad in the industry today.
Once the governance functionality is implemented for the $STAK DAO token on Jigstack, some of the duties the DAO will conduct are project scoring, highlighting the security of the code, and the capital risk to investors. The DAO will be largely responsible for which projects get listed or not.
Lemonade provides a permissionless and hands-free automation token launch pad. Lemonade allows the token issuers to raise funds for their projects without having to deal with complex setups or exploitive intermediaries — no markets, no third parties, no banks.